Thursday, November 5, 2009


I'm sore.. hurting.. tired.. and hungry. But i'm MOTIVATED! I'm so happy Keely and Mama M have started the Hot and Healthy Thru The Holidays! On some of my previous posts, I've talked about how i've "let myself go" through the past couple of years. But i'm ready to have my old body back. I want to be able to chase around Caden without being out of breathe! And the first time in ALLLLL of the diets i've tried, I feel extremely motivated because so many of you gals out there are doing this with me! Yay!

I started the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred. That is HARDCORE. I was warned but I wanted to try it. I actually love it but i'm going to take it easy on that workout. Some of the exercises are really tough on my knees. I've got bad knees and it's not worth making them worse for just that certain exercise. Keely just posted a pilates video and I can't wait to try it. Mama M just posted how to snack properly with some great ideas! I excited to start snacking the "right" way! I hope everyone keeps each other motivated because I'm definitly looking for the help!!

I'm sooo looking forward to going from..


(I'm in the blue shirt)

Back to this

(This was my Junior prom a little over 3 years ago.)

I really hope to stick with this and see progress!!!!!!!!


  1. Kasey Lynn, YOU are and always will be BEAUTIFUL no matter what, but I am so proud of you for deciding to get healthy (not skinny) but healthy! Keep it up! You can do it!

  2. Oh how I loathe Jillian Michaels and her jumping jacks and push ups! Ahhh!! I always did the modified exercises! It still worked great though and is SO WORTH IT! You can do it!

  3. You are gonna do awesome..and you are beautiful no matter what!

  4. Thanks yall!! so sweet!
    Laura- girl i HAVE to do the modified exercises! lol. can't do the others..yet!

  5. You are so beautiful Kasey!! I have always thought that about you!! It is good to start young on the healthy eating though...that way it will hopefully stick with you throughout life! I hate working out too LOL I need to just to get in shape!

  6. Thanks Kristen! I have always thought you were beautiful to! yes..i really want to start eating right... it's hard in a small town where there's nothing but JUNK FOOD!
